
10 Years of FYFD

10 Years of FYFD Collage.

10 years. 2,590 posts. 21 original videos. 378,000+ followers. Countless hours spent blogging and more than 1,000 journal articles read. When I started FYFD ten years ago as a PhD student, I never imagined the impact the blog would have on my life, my career, or my field. It’s been a wild ride, and I’d like to take a moment today to thank each and every one of you for contributing to this journey, whether it’s by supporting on Patreon, liking a post, sharing content, submitting ideas, leaving a comment, sending an email, or saying hi at an event. FYFD would have petered out long ago if not for your support!

Ten years seems like a good time for a little retrospective, so I went back through the archive in search of the most popular post (based on Tumblr’s notes) from each of those ten years. Here’s what I found:

Year 1: The Vortex Street
Year 2: Wave Clouds Over Alabama
Year 3: Surface Tension in Action
Year 4: Why Honeycomb is Hexagonal
Year 5: Bioluminescence
Year 6: Self-Pouring Fluids
Year 7: Watching Radiation
Year 8: The Swimming of a Dead Fish
Year 9: Seeing the Song
Year 10: Collective Catfish Convection

If you’d rather enjoy something random rather than something “popular”, you can always use the shortcut to explore posts in the archive.

And in case you’re more interested in watching videos, here are the top FYFD videos (by YouTube views):

(Wow, my editing and production skills have evolved since some of those earlier vids!)

So what are your favorite FYFD memories and posts? Let me know in the comments! (Image and video credits: N. Sharp)

  1. Remi

    Thank you for doing FYFD, you have been my favourite blog for ages, and a big inspiration. I am one of those silent daily readers, rarely commenting, but always appreciating. Congratulations and keep up the great work!!

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