About FYFD


FYFD is dedicated to sharing the awesomeness that is fluid dynamics with the world—whether or not you care for calculus. It is a science and engineering outreach blog with a new post about the physics of liquids, gases, plasmas, or granular materials—anything that behaves like a fluid—five times a week. It features photos, videos, and research from scientists, engineers, and artists around the world along with a short explanation from FYFD’s author, Nicole Sharp.

If you’re new, try exploring the archive to see some of the awesome physics FYFD has covered. You can also follow FYFD on YouTube or Twitter, and, if you decide you love FYFD and want to help support it, you can sign up as a patron on Patreon!

FYFD’s creator and author is Nicole Sharp, who has a PhD in aerospace engineering, specializing in fluid dynamics. She accepts submissions, questions, event requests and more. You can also find Nicole directly as “aerognome” on TumblrTwitter, or Instagram.

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FYFD in the News

For a more extensive list, see here.