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a’a | aatish bhatia | ablation | absorption | acceleration | accretion disk | acoustic levitation | acoustics | acrobatics | actinoform clouds | active control | active matter | active nematic fluid | adaptive meshing | adhesion | admin | adsorption | adverse pressure gradient | adverse yaw | advice | AEDC | aeolian processes | aerobraking | aerodynamic Leidenfrost effect | aerodynamic noise | aerodynamics | aeroelastic flutter | aeroelasticity | aerogel | aeronautics | aerosol | aerosols | aerothermodynamics | aging | Agnes Pockels | agriculture | air dancer | air pollution | airbreathing engines | aircraft | aircraft engines | airfoil | airglow | airlines | airplanes | airship | albedo | alcohol | alexander graham bell | algae | alligator | alligator gar | allometry | ALS ice bucket challenge | altitude | American football | amorphous solid | anabranch | angle of attack | angle of repose | angular momentum | animal flight | animal locomotion | antarctica | antibubbles | anticyclone | antispiral | antitubes | antlion | ants | applause | APS DFD | aps dfd 2012 | APS DFD 2013 | APS DFD 2014 | APS DFD 2019 | APS DFD 2022 | APSDFD | aquaplaning | aquarium | aquatic flight | aquifers | archaeology | archer fish | archery | archimedes | archimedes screw | architecture | art | Arthur Worthington | article | artificial intelligence | artificial snow | asperitas | asteroid | asteroid impact | astronaut | astronomy | astrophysics | atlas v | atmosphere | atmospheric instability | atmospheric river | atmospheric science | atomization | attached shock | attractor | aurora | auto safety | autocorrelation | automobiles | automotive aerodynamics | autorotation | avalanche | aviation | avulsion | axisymmetric jet
bacteria | badminton | bag | baking | ballistic sorting | ballooning | balloons | ballpoint pen ink | bank effect | barchan | baroclinic instability | barus effect | BASE jumping | baseball | bathtub vortex | bats | battery | Bay of Fundy | beach | beach cusps | beach volleyball | beads on a string instability | beavers | beer | bees | beetle | Beijing2022 | Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction | beluga whale | benard convection | Benard-Marangoni convection | bernoulli | Betelgeuse | bifurcation | Bill Nye | bioaerosols | biofilm | biofuel | bioinspired engineering | biollante | biolocomotion | biology | bioluminescence | biomimicry | biophysics | biorobotics | bird flight | birds | birefringence | bivalves | bizarre | Bjerknes force | black hole | Black Lives Matter | blackwater river | bladderwort | blast | blast fishing | blast wave | blended wing body | blood | blood clots | blood flow | blood pressure | blowing | blue jets | blue whirl | blue-footed boobies | bluff bodies | board games | boat | bobsled | bobsledding | bobsleigh | boiling | boiling crisis | boiling point | book review | booming sand | Boston Molasses Flood | botany | bouncing | bouncing droplets | bouncing jet | boundary layer | boundary layer separation | boundary layer shock interaction | bow shock | boxfish | BP oil spill | brain teaser | branching flow | Brazil nut effect | bread | breakdown | breaking wave | brine shrimp | brinicles | brown dwarfs | brownian motion | bubble | bubble collapse | bubble jets | bubble pinch-off | bubble ring | bubble spreading | bubblegum | bubbles | buckling | buckling instability | bullet | bumblebees | buoyancy | buoyant convection | burrowing | bursting | butter | butterfly | butterfly effect | buttery planet
C-17 | cactus | calving | camber | canals | cancer | candy | candy making | canoe slalom | canopies | cape sundews | capillary action | capillary beverage experiment | capillary drops | capillary length | capillary number | capillary tubing | capillary waves | capping inversion | capsizing | capsule impact | capsules | carbon cycle | carbon dioxide | carbon nanotubes | carbon sequestration | cardiac blood flow | Carnegie Hall | cars | Cassini | castellanus | cat tongues | catalyst | catenoid | catfish | Catherine wheel pattern | cats | causality | caves | cavitation | cavity | cavity inception | cavity seal | cell division | centrifugal force | centrifugal instability | centripetal force | cephalopod | CFD | cfdaawards | CGI | CGI animation | chain | champagne | channel flow | Channel Tunnel | chaos | chaos theory | chaotic systems | Cheerios effect | Chelyabinsk | chemistry | chicago river | children’s books | Chinese junk ship | Chladni patterns | chocolate | choked flow | Christmas | Christmas pyramid | cilia | circulation | citizen science | citrus | civil engineering | civil infrastructure | clapotis | clapotis gaufre | Clark’s grebe | classic problems | clean energy | cleaning | climate | climate change | climate modeling | cloaking | clogging | clothing | cloud formation | cloud streets | clouds | coalescence | coalescence cascade | coating flow | cocktails | coefficient of friction | coffee | coffee rings | coherent structures | cohesion | coiling | collab | collective motion | colloid | combustion | combustion instability | comet | comic | common basilisk | complex fluids | compound drops | compressibility | compressible flow | compression | computational fluid dynamics | computer science | computers | concentration | conching | concussions | condensation | conformal mapping | conservation | conservation of angular momentum | conservation of energy | conservation of mass | conservation of momentum | contact angle | contact line | contamination | continuity equation | continuum assumption | contrails | convection | convection cell | convective dissolution | cookies | cooking | coral | core convection | Coriolis effect | cornell university | coronal heating | coronal mass ejection | coronavirus | cotton candy | coughing | counterflow | COVID-19 | cracking | crash course | creeping flow | crepes | cricket | crickets | crime scene investigation | critical point | crocodiles | cross sea | crossflow | crossflow instability | crossflow vortices | crosswinds | Crow instability | crowdfunding | crowds | crown breakup | crown splash | crowning | cryovolcanoes | cryptography | crystal growth | culverts | curling | curveball | cycling | cyclone | CYGNSS | cylinder | cymatics
F-15B | F-16 | falcon | fallstreak hole | Fano flow | Faraday instability | Faraday waves | faucet | feathering | feathers | felines | fenestrated rudder | ferrofluid | ferrohydrodynamics | Feynman sprinkler | field experiment | film boiling | filter-feeding | filtering | filtration | fingering instability | fire | fire devil | fire sprinkler | fire suppression system | fire tornado | fire whirl | fire whorl | fireworks | fish | fish-scale tide | fishbone | fishing | fizziness | flagella | flags | flame | flameout | flames | flamingo | flapping | flapping flight | fletches | fletching | flexibility | flight | flight control | flight stability | flight test | floating | flocking | flooding | floods | flotation | flow control | flow diagnostic | flow reversal | flow sensing | flow separation | flow visualization | flowers | fluid acrylic | fluid analogues | fluid dynamics | fluid instability | fluid interface | fluid mechanician | fluid mechanics | fluid polygons | fluid-solid interaction | fluidic oscillator | fluidization | fluids as art | fluids in daily life | fluids on pluto | fluids roundup | fluorescein | flutter | fluvian processes | flying | flying fish | flying lizards | flying snakes | flying wing | foam | foam collapse | foams | foehn wall cloud | fog | fog collection | folding | food | football | force balance | force chain | force vectoring | forced convection | forensics | forests | Formula 1 | forward swept wing | fountain effect | fountain pens | Fourier transform | fractals | fracture | freak waves | free surface | free surface dynamics | free surface vortex | freestream | freezing | friction | frictional heating | frisbee | frog | froghoppers | frost | Froude number | frozen | frying | fuckyeahfluiddynamics | fuel injection | fuel slosh | funding | fungi | FYFD | FYFD Boston Molasses Flood Project | FYFD events | FYFD-FYP collab | FYFD/LIBLAB collab | fyfd4thbday | FYFDLive | FYFDXmas2013
paceline | packing | paddling | pahoehoe | paint | painting | paleontology | pancake ice | paper | paper marbling | paper planes | parachutes | paramagnetism | parametric resonance | Paris 2024 | particle clustering | particle image velocimetry | particle sorting | particle suspension | particle tracking | particulates | Pascal | pascal’s law | passive flow control | pastels | pathlines | pathogens | patreon | pattern formation | peacock | pelican | peloton | pendulum | penguins | penitentes | perching | percussion | period doubling | periodicity | permafrost | perpetual motion | Perseverance | perturbation theory | pharmaceuticals | phase change | phase separation | phase speed | phase transition | phd | photo | photoelastic | photolithography | photosphere | phototropism | physics | physics demonstration | physics girl | phytoplankton | picture | pigeons | pilot-wave hydrodynamics | pinch-off | ping pong | pinning | pipe flow | pistol crab | pistol shrimp | pitch | pitch drop | pitcher plants | Pitot tube | PIV | placenta | planar laser-induced fluorescence | planetary boundary layer | planetary core formation | planetary re-entry | planetary science | planing | plankton | plant week | plants | plasma | plasma actuator | plastic | plate tectonics | Plateau | Plateau-Rayleigh instability | plesiosaur | plug flow | plume | plumes | plunge diving | plunging breaker | Pluto | pneumatics | podcast | pointwise | Poiseuille flow | polar vortex | polarity | polarized light | pollen | pollination | pollution | polymer effect | polymer effects | pools | pop-pop boat | popcorn | pore flow | porosity | porous flow | porous media | potassium | potential flow | pouring | power generation | power law fluid | prairie dogs | Prandlt-Glauert singularity | Prandlt-Meyer expansion fan | Prandtl-Glauert singularity | precipitation | pregnancy | prehistory | press coverage | pressure | pressure distribution | pressure drag | pressure vessel | pressure wave | produce | projectiles | prominence | propeller | propeller vortex | propulsion | psyche | pterosaur | public health | puffed rice | pufferfish | pulsatile flow | pulse jet engine | pulsed jet | pump | pumping | pyeongchang2018 | pygmy gecko | pyroclastic flow | pyrocumulonimbus | pyrocumulus | pythagorean cup
Saffman-Taylor instability | sail flicking | sailing | salamander | salinity | sally ride | salps | salt fingering | salt fingers | salt polygons | saltation | sand | sand dunes | sand ripples | sandfish | sandfish lizard | sandgrouse | Santa | Santa Claus | satellite droplets | satellite image | saturday morning science | Saturn | Saturn V | scale model | scent | schlieren photography | schooling | schroedinger equation | science | science communication | science fiction | Science Friday | science outreach | scientific american | scientist | scishow | scramjet | scutoid | sea ice | sea sponge | sea turtle | seahorse | seals | seam-shifted wakes | second sound | secondary flow | sediment transport | sedimentation | seeds | seepage | seiche | seismic waves | seismology | self-cleaning | self-excited oscillation | self-healing | self-organization | self-propulsion | self-similarity | separated vortex ring | separation of scales | sesame street | sessile drop | sewers | shadowgraph | shark | shark teeth instability | shark week | sharkskin instability | sharpshooter | shear | shear bands | shear jamming | shear layers | shear rate | shear stress | shear wave | shear-thickening | shear-thinning | sheep | shelf cloud | shimmering | shock diamonds | shock instability | shock interaction | shock reflection | shock wave | shockwave | shower curtain effect | shrimp | ShutDownSTEM | shuttlecock | silly putty | similitude | SimScale | singing | single slit experiment | singularity | sinkholes | siphon | site updates | sixty symbols | skeleton | ski jumping | skiing | skin friction | skipping | skipping stones | skunkbear | skydiving | slap | sleep | slicing | sliding | slime | slip | slippery | slit nozzle | slosh | slosh dynamics | sloshing | slow mo guys | smarter every day | smell | Smithsonian | smoke | smoke visualization | smoke-wire technique | snails | snakes | sneezing | sniffing | snow | snow rollers | snowboarding | snowfall | snowflakes | soap bubbles | soap film | soaring | soccer | Sochi | sochi2014 | soft matter | soil liquefaction | solar dynamics | solar dynamics observatory | solar eclipse | solar wind | solid mechanics | solid rocket propellant | solid-propellant rockets | solidification | solutal convection | sonic boom | sonoluminescence | sound | sound waves | space | space coffee cup | space exploration | space shuttle | space weather | spacecraft | SpaceShipTwo | spaghetti | sparkling wine | sparks | speaker | speed skiing | speedskating | sphere | Sphinx | spiders | spillway | spin stabilization | spiral | spiral vortices | splashes | splashing | sponges | | spores | sport | sports | sprays | springtails | sprinting | sprite | squall | squid | squid aerodynamics | st patricks day | stability | stagnation | stalagmites | stall | standing waves | star formation | star trek | star trek 50 | Star Trek Voyager | star wars | star-nosed mole | starfish | starfish larvae | stars | starting vortex | states of matter | static electricity | static equilibrium | stator | steam devils | steam hammer | STEAM outreach | steering | stellar evolution | stellar wind | STEM | STEM outreach | STEVE | stick-jump | stick-slip | stick-slip bubbles | stinging nettle | stingray | stirring | stokes flow | Stokes trap | storm surge | storms | strain | stratification | streakline | streaklines | streamlines | stress | strike-slip fault | strouhal number | structural dynamics | STS-135 | students | subcritical | subcritical flow | subcritical fluids | subduction | sublimation | submarines | submission | subsonic | subsonic wind tunnel | suction | Suez Canal | sulfur hexafluoride | suminagashi | sun | sun dog | sunspot | SuperBowl | supercavitation | supercell | supercomputing | supercooling | supercritical | supercritical flow | supercritical fluids | superfluid | superfluid helium | superheating | superhydrophobic | superman | supernova | superpropulsion | superradiance | supersaturation | supersonic | supersonic combustion ramjet engine | supersonic flight | supersonic turbulence | supersonic wind tunnel | superwalkers | surface chemistry | surface energy | surface hydrology | surface roughness | surface tension | surfactant | surfactants | surfing | survey | suspension | suspension bridge | suspension feeding | sustainability | swallowing | swarming | sweat | swelling | swept wing | swimming | swirling | Swiss cheese fondue | synchronization | synchronized swimming | synovial fluid | syringes
T-38 | table tennis | Tacoma Narrows Bridge | tadpoles | tattoo | Taylor column | Taylor vortex | Taylor-Couette flow | Taylor-Proudman theorem | tea | tea infusion | tea leaves effect | teapot effect | tear films | tears | tears of wine | technology | tektites | temperature | temperature inversion | tennis | termination shock | termites | Tesla valve | tetrafluoroethane | the big bang theory | the boycott effect | the brain scoop | The Flash | The Incredibles | the splash lab | the toast | thermal conductivity | thermal convection | thermal expansion | thermite | thermoacoustic instability | thermocapillary convection | thermocapillary instability | thermodynamics | thermomechanical effect | thermophoresis | thermoregulation | thin film | thin film boiling | thin fluid film | thin sheets | thin-film lubrication | thixotropic fluid | thrust | thrusters | thunderstorm | tidal bore | tidal energy | tidal heating | tidal turbines | tidal waves | tides | time reversal | time trial | timelapse | tip vortex | tires | Titan | toad | toilet | Tokyo 2020 | Tokyo2020 | tongues | top kill | topography | topology | tornado | toroidal vortex | torsion | total internal reflection | tour de france | track and field | track cycling | tractor beam | traffic | trailing edge vortex | tranquilizer darts | transient | transition | transitional flow | transonic | transonic flow | transpiration | trees | triathlon | triboelectric | triboelectrification | tribology | tribonucleation | trombone | tsunami | tubercles | tumblr | tuna | tunneling | turbidity | turbidity current | turbine | turbofan | turbojet | turbulence | turbulence modeling | turbulent boundary layer | turbulent convection | turbulent eddies | turbulent energy cascade | turbulent flow | turbulent mixing | turbulent motion | turbulent spot | turgor pressure | turing patterns | turtles | twin sonic booms | twisting | two-phase flow

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