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Tag: comet
A Comet’s Two Tails
The bright tail of a comet doesn’t actually stream out behind it. Instead, the tail points away from the sun, showing off all the ice, dust, and gas blown off Keep reading
A Comet’s Tail
A comet‘s tail changes from day-to-day depending on how much material the comet is losing and how strong the solar wind it’s facing is. This image sequence shows Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks Keep reading
A Comet’s Tail Swept Away
On Christmas Day 2021, Comet Leonard put on a show in our skies. Though the comet was a pale streak to the naked eye, photographer Gerald Rhemann caught a striking Keep reading
Solar Wind
Fluid dynamics appear at all kinds of scales. The animation above shows two comets, Encke and ISON, on their recent approach toward the sun. The darker wisps emanating from the Keep reading