A year ago I observed what a strange year 2020 had been, and in many ways, I could say the same of 2021. Before the pandemic, I spent quite a Keep reading
Tag: year in review
The Best of FYFD 2020
2020 was certainly a strange year, and I confess that I mostly want to congratulate all of us for making it through and then look forward to a better, happier, Keep reading
The Best of FYFD 2019
2019 was an even busier year than last year! I spent nearly two whole months traveling for business, gave 13 invited talks and workshops, and produced three FYFD videos. I Keep reading
The Best of FYFD 2018
2018 was a busy year for me with over 40 days of business travel, 10 invited talks, and a whole slew of new YouTube videos on top of regular FYFD posts. Keep reading
The Best of FYFD 2017
2017 was a busy, busy year here at FYFD, but a lot of that happened behind the scenes with multiple collaborations that were months in the planning. You’ll start to Keep reading
The Best of FYFD 2016
2016 was a wild ride here at FYFD, full of lots of travel and crazy things like making the New York Times and doing radio interviews. I also revamped the YouTube channel and Keep reading
The Best of FYFD 2015
2015 was a pretty good year. FYFD turned five, we had a great reader survey response, and Tumblr gave us a Tumblr Lifetime Achievement! Guess that means I’ve got more Keep reading
Top 10 FYFD Posts of 2014
It’s only fitting to take a moment to look back at 2014 as we step into the New Year. It was a big year in many respects – we hit Keep reading