In graduate school, my advisor introduced us to a particularly vexing fluid dynamical thought experiment known as the Feynman sprinkler. After observing an S-shaped sprinkler that rotated when water shot Keep reading
Tag: vortex
“Fusion of Helios”
Built from approximately 90,000 individual images, “Fusion of Helios” reveals the wisp-like corona of our Sun. Astrophotographers Andrew McCarthy and Jason Guenzel joined forces to combine eclipse images with data Keep reading
Breaking Clots With Sound
Clots that block blood flow away from the brain are one of the most common causes of strokes for younger people. If caught early, anticoagulants can sometimes resolve the issue, Keep reading
Flamingo Fluid Dynamics
Flamingos strut and dance and bob, but there’s more to these comical birds than meets the eye. Flamingos can thrive in nutrient-poor environments that other birds eschew, like salt flats Keep reading
Inside a Metal Vortex
What do you get when you combine liquid gallium, a blender, and a special probe lens? Some pretty wild slow-mo video of a liquid metal vortex, courtesy of the Slow Keep reading
Mixing the Immiscible
Immiscible liquids — like oil and water — do not combine easily. Typically, with enough effort, you can create an emulsion — a mixture formed from droplets of one liquid Keep reading
Spinning Tops
What does the flow look like around a spinning top? Here, researchers used dye to visualize what happens in a Newtonian fluid (like air or water) as well as a Keep reading
The Return of the Ice Disk
Maine’s giant, spinning ice disk is taking shape again. In 2019, it reached about 91 meters across, rotating slowly in the Presumpscot River. How exactly these features form is still Keep reading
A Colorful Fire Tornado
This one definitely belongs in the do-not-try-this-yourself category, but this Slow Mo Guys video of a colorful fire tornado is pretty spectacular. Using an array of different fuels and a Keep reading
The Vortex Beneath a Drop
While we’re most used to seeing levitating Leidenfrost droplets on a solid surface, such drops can also form above a liquid bath. In fact, the smoothness of the bath’s surface, Keep reading