Home to a sub-surface ocean, Saturn‘s moon Enceladus is a fascinating candidate for life in our solar system. As it orbits Saturn, plumes periodically shoot out long surface features known Keep reading
Tag: plumes
A Comet’s Tail
A comet‘s tail changes from day-to-day depending on how much material the comet is losing and how strong the solar wind it’s facing is. This image sequence shows Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks Keep reading
Vortex Below
When a drop of ethanol lands on a pool of water, surface tension forces draw it into a fast-spreading film. Evenly-spaced plumes form at the edges of the film, then Keep reading
“-37F Winter in Yellowstone”
Yellowstone National Park is always fascinating and surreal, but especially so in winter when volcanically-heated geysers and springs meet frigid, snowy weather. This short film from Drew Simms shows the Keep reading
In “Alive,” filmmaker Christopher Dormoy explores acrylic paints and the variety of ways in which the medium can be used. From a fluids perspective, there’s dripping, viscous flow, turbulent eddies, Keep reading
Icelandic Glow
Solar wind particles slam into the atmosphere near Earth’s poles, creating billowing curtains of glowing plasma known as auroras. Beneath the earth, molten rock seethes and flows, squeezed up fissures Keep reading
The Best of FYFD 2023
A fresh year means a look back at what was popular last year on FYFD. Usually, I give a numeric list of the top 10 posts, but this year the Keep reading
Flipping Ice
In nature ice is ever-changing — growing, shrinking, and shifting. This poster illustrates that with a cylinder of ice floating in room temperature water. As the ice melts, it flips Keep reading
“The Reef”
Artist Alberto Seveso returns to his colorful ink plumes (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), but this time with a twist. Here, Seveso took ink injected in water and digitally altered Keep reading
Dust Storms
Hot, dry berg winds swept down from the Namibian highlands and sent these plumes of dust flying out to the Atlantic coast. Another plume — white instead of brown — Keep reading