Rogue waves — rare waves much larger than any surrounding waves — have long been a part of sailors’ tales, but their existence has only been confirmed relatively recently. The Keep reading
Tag: nonlinear dynamics
Testing Waves in High Gravity
Where waves crash and meet, turbulence is inevitable. But exactly how large waves interact — whether in the ocean, in plasma, or the atmosphere — is far from understood. A Keep reading
Robotic Research Facilities
One of the major challenges in fluid dynamics is the size of the parameter spaces we have to explore. Because many problems in fluid dynamics are non-linear, making small changes Keep reading
The spin of the Earth creates myriad eddies in our oceans, most of which move slowly westward at a speed dependent on their latitude. You can see many in the Keep reading
Rogue Wave Recreated
If you look online, the term “rogue wave” gets thrown around a lot – a whole lot. And most of the videos you see of “rogue waves”, “freak waves”, and “monster Keep reading
Printing in Glass
A group at MIT have created a new 3D printer that builds with molten glass. This allows them to manufacture items that would difficult, if not impossible, to create with Keep reading
Water-Based Tractor Beam
Researchers in Australia have demonstrated a “tractor beam” capable of manipulating floating objects from a distance using surface waves on water. And, unlike some research, you can try to replicate Keep reading
4th Birthday: Rogue Waves
Rogue waves—individual, isolated waves far larger than the surrounding waves—were reported for centuries by sailors. But their stories of massive walls of water appearing in the open ocean were not Keep reading
The Fluid Dynamical Sewing Machine
Originally posted: 3 Jan 2012 Nonlinearity and chaos are important topics for many aspects of fluid dynamics but can be difficult to wrap one’s head around. But this video provides an awesome, Keep reading
Liquid Mushrooms
The Rayleigh-Taylor instability can form at the interface between two liquids of different density under the influence of gravity, but a similar instability can occur in the absence of gravity. Keep reading