What does the flow look like around a spinning top? Here, researchers used dye to visualize what happens in a Newtonian fluid (like air or water) as well as a Keep reading
Tag: newtonian fluids
Spin Cycle
Rotational motion is a great way to break up liquids, as anyone who’s watched a dog shake itself dry can attest. That same centrifugal force is what allows this rotary Keep reading
Climbing Up the Walls
You may have noticed when baking that fluids don’t always behave as expected when you agitate them. If you put a spinning rod into a fluid, we’d expect the rod Keep reading
Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Vortices
Not all vortex rings are created equal. Despite identical generation mechanisms and Reynolds numbers, the two vortex rings shown above behave very differently. The donut-shaped one, on the top left Keep reading
Bouncing Jet
For the right flow speeds and incidence angles, a jet of Newtonian fluid can bounce off the surface of a bath of the same fluid. This is shown in the Keep reading
Viscoelastic Jets
Unlike Newtonian fluids, such as air and water, viscoelastic fluids exhibit non-uniform reactions to deformation. In this video, researchers explore the effects of this behavior when a liquid jet falls Keep reading
Viscous Fingers
High viscosity silicon oil is sandwiched between two circular plates. As the upper plate is lifted at a constant speed, air flows in from the sides. The initially circular interface Keep reading