Icicles and stalactites grow little by little, each layer a testament to the object’s history. Here, researchers explore a similar phenomenon, grown from a dripping liquid. They’re called “flexicles” in Keep reading
Tag: icicle growth
Little by little, snow and ice transform the landscape in Jamie Scott’s film “Winter.” From individual snowflakes to entire forest vistas, the timelapses showcase how winter remakes every surface in Keep reading
Icicles and Impurities
In nature, icicles often form horizontal ripples along their outer surface. Researchers found that these shapes only form when impurities are present in the water forming icicles; icicles made from Keep reading
Growing Icicles
For those from colder climates, icicles are a familiar part of winter. They come in a multitude of shapes and sizes, many of which have been captured and cataloged in Keep reading
The Evolution of Icicles
The time-lapse video above shows the growth of icicles of various compositions under laboratory conditions. Many icicles in nature exhibit a rippling effect in their shape, which some theories attribute Keep reading
Airfoil-shaped Ice
I discovered this interesting bit of icing a couple years ago near the foot of a waterfall in Ithaca, NY. The predominant wind was always heading toward the falls (left Keep reading
How to Grow Straight Icicles
New research suggests that icicles grow straighter when exposed to moving air while exposure to still air can cause icicles to sprout at their tips. To grow icicles, the researchers Keep reading