Some seabirds, including gannets and boobies, feed by plunge diving. From high in the air, they fold their wings and dive like darts into the water, impacting at speeds around Keep reading
Tag: plunge diving
“Through the Bubbles”
Many seabirds catch their prey through plunge diving, where they fly to a particular height, then fold their wings, and dive into the ocean. In busy waters, bubbles from all Keep reading
Seabirds like gannets and boobies are engineered for diving. They fly to a certain altitude, locate fish underwater, and then fold themselves into a streamlined projectile. With this, they plunge Keep reading
Diving From Above
Blue-footed boobies, like many other seabirds, climb to a particular altitude before folding their wings and diving head-first into the water. This acrobatic feat balances the bird’s force of impact Keep reading
Audubon Photography Awards
Several of this year’s Audubon-Photography-Award-winning photos feature birds interacting with fluids. The Grand Prize Winner, by Joanna Lentini, features a diving double-crested cormorant. Like many other species, these cormorants launch Keep reading
Pelican Diving
Pelicans, like many sea birds, are aerial divers. They spot their prey from high above, bank, and dive into the water to catch the fish. Although they hit the water Keep reading
Galapagos Week: Diving Birds
One of my favorite things to do while we were sailing along the Galapagos was watching the blue-footed boobies hunt. Like the gannets shown above, boobies are plunge divers. They Keep reading