Kirigami is a variation of origami in which paper can be cut as well as folded. Here, researchers look at flow through a cut kirigami sheet and how that flow Keep reading
Tag: jets
Cavitation Near Soft Surfaces
Collapsing cavitation bubbles are sometimes used to break up kidney stones, and they may find other uses in medicine as well. Here, researchers investigate the collapse of laser-triggered cavitation bubbles Keep reading
Jets, Shocks, and a Windblown Cavity
As material collapses onto a protostar, these young stars often form stellar jets that point outward along their axis of rotation. Made up of plasma, these jets shoot into the Keep reading
Inside the Squirting Cucumber
Though only 5 cm long, the squirting cucumber can spray its seeds up to 10 meters away. The little fruit does so through a clever combination of preparation and ballistic Keep reading
Billowing Ouzo
Pour the Greek liquor ouzo into water, and your glass will billow with a milky, white cloud, formed from tiny oil droplets. The drink’s unusual dynamics come from the interactions Keep reading
The Shape of Rain
In our collective imagination, a raindrop is pendant shaped, wide at the bottom and pointed at the top. But, in fact, a falling raindrop experiences much more complicated shapes. Here, Keep reading
Paris 2024: Diving
In competition diving, athletes chase a rip entry, the nearly splash-less dive that sounds like paper tearing. Part of a successful rip dive comes in the impact, where divers try Keep reading
“Spitting Out Water Babies”
When Tomasz Wilk settled to camp one evening on the banks of a Polish river, he didn’t expect to find fountains in the shallows. Though reminiscent of an archer fish’s Keep reading
Shredding Gold
While vacuums can do pretty wild things to liquids, the title of this Slow Mo Guys video is a bit misleading. They’re not so much exploding gold in a vacuum Keep reading
The Sound of Bubbles
Every day I stand in front of my refrigerator and listen to the water dispenser pouring water into my glass. The skinny, fast-moving jet of water plunges into the pool, Keep reading