In this macro video, various chemical reactions swirl inside a single dangling droplet. Despite its tiny size, quite a lot can go on in a drop like this. Both the Keep reading
Tag: chemistry
Blocking Bubbles
Many industrial processes, including those producing aluminum and “green” hydrogen, use electrodes to speed up chemical reactions. Unfortunately, bubbles that form on the electrode reduce its efficiency anywhere from 10 Keep reading
How Venus Is Losing Its Water
Since Venus formed at the same time as Earth and is similar in size, scientists believe it once had the same amount of water our planet does. Today, hellish Venus Keep reading
Weathering Spilled Oil
As long as we continue to extract and transport oil, marine oil spills will continue to be a problem. Recent work shows that spilled oil weathers differently depending on both Keep reading
Many theories posit the physical and chemical origins of life. In the short film “aBiogenesis”, CGI artist Markos Kay imagines one such theory — the lipid world theory — in Keep reading
Chemical Flowers
These “flowers” blossom as two injected chemicals react in the narrow space between two transparent plates. The chemical reaction produces a darker ring that develops a streaky outer edge due Keep reading
Acidic Aerosols
As ocean waves crash, they generate aerosols — tiny liquid and solid particulates — that interact with the atmosphere. Curious about the chemistry of these tiny drops, researchers set out Keep reading
Dispelling Ice
In winter weather, delays pile up at airports when planes need de-icing. Our current process involves spraying thousands of gallons of chemicals on planes, but these chemicals are easily removed Keep reading
Mixing the Immiscible
Immiscible liquids — like oil and water — do not combine easily. Typically, with enough effort, you can create an emulsion — a mixture formed from droplets of one liquid Keep reading
Icy crystals burst forth against a dark background in Thomas Blanchard’s short film “Belletrix.” The process is one of chemical crystallization. Blanchard supersaturates a chemical in a dish of hot Keep reading