Reader lizardking90 asks: Would a turbidity current from a large submerged earthquake or a avalanche be dangerous to be caught in: diving or in a submarine? As with an avalanche, how Keep reading
Month: February 2025
Pouring Molten Aluminum on Dry Ice
What happens when you pour molten aluminum on dry ice? As the Backyard Scientist shows, you get what looks like slippery, sliding, boiling metal. In fact, what you see may Keep reading
Meander from Above
This photo of the Amazon River taken by Astronaut Tim Kopra reveals the many meandering changes of the river’s course. Left untouched by human intervention, rivers tend to get more Keep reading
Underwater Landslides
Turbidity currents are a gravity-driven, sediment-laden flow, like a landslide or avalanche that occurs underwater. They are extremely turbulent flows with a well-defined leading edge, called a head. Turbidity currents Keep reading
Help Support FYFD on Patreon
tl;dr version: FYFD is launching a Patreon campaign. If you enjoy FYFD and want to help support its continued growth, please become a patron today! And the longer version: At the start of Keep reading
Dam Release
Here the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers release 13,000 cubic feet per second (~370 cubic meters per second) of water at a dam in Oklahoma. That’s the equivalent of nine-and-a-half Keep reading
Paint Flying
Paint getting flung from a spinning drill bit can create some incredible art. Here the Slow Mo Guys recreate the effect in high-speed video. What we’re seeing is tug of Keep reading
Fluids Round-Up
New year, new (or renewed) experiments. This is the fluids round-up, where I collect cool fluids-related links, articles, etc. that deserve a look. Without further ado: Above is a new Keep reading
Boiling Water to Snow
When it’s really cold outside–to the tune of -40 degrees (Fahrenheit or Celsius)–physics can get a little crazy. In this photo, boiling-hot water from a thermos turns into an instant Keep reading
Inside APS DFD 2015
What do shark scales, underwater robots, blood flow, and art have in common? They’re all a part of the latest FYFD video! Check out my behind-the-scenes look at the latest Keep reading