From Earth, we rarely glimpse the violent flows of our home star. Here, a filament erupts from the photosphere creating a coronal mass ejection, captured in ultraviolet wavelengths by the Keep reading
Tag: coronal mass ejection
Our Sun’s Corona Unfurled
This clever image is actually two solar eclipses stacked atop one another. The bottom half of the image shows the sun‘s corona — its wispy, dramatic outer atmosphere — during Keep reading
Kelvin-Helmholtz and the Sun
Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities (KHI) are a favorite among fluid dynamicists. They resemble the curls of a breaking ocean wave — not a coincidence, since KHI create those ocean waves to begin Keep reading
Solar Eclipses and Coronal Mass Ejections
Observations of many solar phenomena have only become accessible to humans relatively recently with the advent of satellites. Prior to that, it simply wasn’t feasible to observe dynamics in the Keep reading