When a drop of water falls into a pool, it doesn’t always coalesce immediately. Instead, it can go through a coalescence cascade in which the drop partially coalesces, a daughter drop bounces off the surface, settles, and itself partially coalesces. We’ve seen this many times before, but today’s video shows something a little different: here the drop and pool in question are made of a gallium alloy immersed in a background of sodium hydroxide. This means that the drop has very high surface tension (and density) but does not form an oxidation layer on its surface that could inhibit coalescence. And just like the water droplet, the gallium alloy undergoes a series of partial coalescences.

There’s one key difference, though. Did you notice that the water droplets bounce higher as the drops get smaller, but the gallium droplets do the opposite? Previous research suggested that the droplet rebound height is driven by capillary forces, but the high surface tension of both of these liquids means that capillary forces should be large for both of them. Perhaps there’s much more viscous drag in the gallium and sodium hydroxide case? (Image, video, and research credit: R. McGuan et al.)