
Turbulence in Accretion Disks

Illustration of a planetary accretion disk around a star.

Accretion disks form everywhere, from around young, planet-building stars to massive black holes. As matter circles in the disk, it slowly loses angular momentum and falls inward toward the central gravitational body. But the details of this process have long vexed astronomers. The low-viscosity environment of gas and dust in accretion disks simply is not sufficient to account for the level of angular momentum lost. Turbulence is expected to provide a boost to the effect, but neither astronomical observations or Taylor-Couette experiments have shown how.

A new study uses a liquid metal, confined in a disk using radial and vertical electrical fields. Unlike prior experiments, this set-up creates a more gravity-like force to rotate the liquid. With it, researchers can tune both the rotation speed and the level of turbulence. They found that turbulence is, indeed, responsible for the loss of angular momentum that transports mass inward — even at the limit of zero intrinsic viscosity.

Unfortunately, the apparatus isn’t a perfect analog for astrophysical disks; in the experiment, the turbulence originates from secondary flows that aren’t present in real systems. So while the team demonstrated that turbulence can drive the accretion disk’s behavior, it can’t pinpoint where that turbulence originates in real accretion disks. (Image credit: NASA; research credit: M. Vernet et al.; via Physics World)

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