In the early days of submarines, it did not take physicists and engineers long to discover how destructive underwater explosions can be. In this Slow Mo Guys video, Gav gives us a glimpse of that destruction using a model submarine in a fish tank and several small explosives. You’ll have to be quick to notice the initial shock waves that ripple through the tank, but the footage captures spectacular detail on some of the slower-moving phenomena. You can see the uneven ripples of the explosion bubble’s surface as it expands. There are some great shots from the front and side showing the bubbly vortex ring that forms when the explosion hits the side of the tank wall (something that wouldn’t happen out in the ocean, of course). You can even catch a glimpse of some unexploded powder streaking out of the explosion. (Image and video credit: The Slow Mo Guys)
Underwater Explosions and Submarines