For large creatures, it’s not hard to feel the evidence of someone else swimming nearby. But to tiny swimmers water is incredibly viscous and hard to move. These creatures have to swim very differently than their larger cousins, and evidence of their motion dies out quickly. But at least one microorganism, Spirostomum ambiguum, has discovered a method for overcoming the limits of size and viscosity.
The single-celled swimmer, when threatened, contracts its body in milliseconds, generating accelerations greater than those seen by fighter pilots. That acceleration is strong enough that it generates a burst of turbulence powerful enough to overcome the natural damping of its viscous surroundings. Within their colonies, S. ambiguum seem to use contraction to send out hydrodynamic signals to neighbors, who pass on the call to arms. To see the colonies in action, check out this previous article. (Image and research credit: A. Mathijssen et al.; via Physics Today; submitted by Kam-Yung Soh)