
London 2012: Javelin Physics

Few Olympic events can boast as long as history as the javelin. Though the event has existed since the ancient Olympics, humans and our ancestors have been throwing spears for hundreds of millennia. But today’s javelin, oddly enough, is designed so that it cannot be thrown as far as those that came before. After a world record throw in 1984 that nearly reached the edge of the track, the sport’s governing body authorized new rules that shifted the weight of the javelin forward, causing the center of mass of the javelin to lie in front of its center of pressure.  This causes the javelin to tip forward in flight, ensuring it will land nose down. Simultaneously, they made changes to the nose of the javelin to reduce its lift during flight, resulting in a javelin that flies only 90% of the previous distance. Since then manufacturers have introduced other innovations to try to increase the javelin’s flight, such as a roughened tail to prevent flow separation, only to later have these changes banned.  (Photo credits: Getty Images, Zeenews)

FYFD is celebrating the Olympics by featuring the fluid dynamics of sport. Check out some of our previous posts, including what makes a pool fast, how divers reduce splash, how cyclists get “aero”, and how rowers overcome drag.

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