Vaucheria is a genus of yellow-green algae (think pond scum), and some species within this genus reproduce asexually by releasing zoospores. Once mature, the zoospore has to squeeze out of a Keep reading
Tag: 2014gofm
Vortex Impact
When a vortex ring impacts a solid wall (or a mirrored vortex ring), it expands and quickly breaks up. The animations above show something a little different: what happens when Keep reading
Creating Clouds
What you see here is the formation of clouds and rain – but it’s not quite what you’re used to seeing outside. This is an experiment using a mixture of Keep reading
Self-Wrapping Drops
A liquid drop can fold itself up in a thin sheet. The animation above shows a drop of water with an ultra-thin (79nm) circular sheet of polystyrene atop it. As Keep reading
Pearls of Mezcal
Mezcal is a traditional Mexican liquor distilled from agave. (The more commonly known tequila is actually a special type of mezcal.) As a part of the production process, distillers pour Keep reading