Though only 5 cm long, the squirting cucumber can spray its seeds up to 10 meters away. The little fruit does so through a clever combination of preparation and ballistic Keep reading
Tag: seeds
The Hairyflower Wild Petunia
Dispersing seeds is a challenge when you’re stuck in one spot, but plants have evolved all sorts of mechanisms for it. Some rely on animals to carry their offspring away, Keep reading
Self-Digging Seeds
Some plants in the Pelargonium family produce seeds with long helical tails. These appendages, formally known as awns, are humidity-sensitive. On humid nights or after rainfall, the awn begins to straighten. Keep reading
How Maple Seeds Fly
Maple tree seeds flutter and spin as they descend. The above video, which shows flow visualization of a freely falling seed, demonstrates that the so-called helicopter seed’s autorotation creates a vortex Keep reading