Reports of singing sand dunes date at least as far back as 800 C.E. Strange as it sounds, about forty sites around the world have been associated with this phenomenon, Keep reading
Tag: avalanche
The Angle of Repose
[original media no longer available] Granular materials like sand tend to form heaps when poured. The steepness of the heap at rest is described by the angle of repose, which Keep reading
Triggering Avalanches
Humans often trigger avalanches purposefully before natural ones can occur. Either way, avalanches begin when external stresses on the snow pack exceed the strength within the snow pack or at Keep reading
Singing Dunes
Some sand dunes can “sing”, but not because of the wind! When loose sand slides down over harder, packed sand, a standing wave is formed, causing the entire surface of Keep reading
Avalanche Disk
In the Science Storms section of the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, you’ll find the mesmerizing sight of an avalanche disk. This 20ft disk spins at a variable rate Keep reading