FYFD now has an online store! Whether you’re into stickers or t-shirts, experimental fluid dynamics or CFD, we’ve got you covered. I’m running a special introductory sale through December 15th – Keep reading
Review: “ABCs From Space”
For me, one of the most fun aspects of studying science is seeking out examples of it in the world around us. Adam Voiland – who writes for NASA Earth Keep reading
Webcast Teaser Reel
Saturday I topped off a week of water-walking physics by holding a webcast with Professor Tadd Truscott and PhD student Randy Hurd of The Splash Lab. We had an absolutely Keep reading
Behind the Science
FYFD features lots of science, but this new video gives you a chance to see the scientists, too! It’s a behind-the-scenes look at the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Keep reading